Why do the media give more negative news? Media and news Symbolic picture 1) There is a principle in journalism. `Bad news is good news. That is, the worse the news is, the better it is at attracting readers. Simply put, 100 dead news takes priority over journalism in any event, compared to 10 dead. That is why negative topics get more space in the media than positive events. This is also one of the reasons behind the negative news in the media. There are journalists that should change this concept. 2) There is another principle in journalism. Anything an organization shows is advertising of an organization. What is hidden is news. In simple terms, journalists do much more than just show up, because people hide a lot from the same things that are bad. This aspect is very good when it comes to being honest. Although news is both negative and positive, this principle also makes media content more negative. 3) There is another recognition in journalism. `` If a dog bite people, it is not news, but if a person bite a dog it is news. That is, journalism does a lot of work on surprising content. Sometimes working in surprising content tends to divert journalism to extremes and produce content that loses credibility. Journalists who oppose this concept are also convinced, but in the minority. 4) Journalism works on the essential concept that news titles should be made artistic and attractive. The topic is positive that the title should be artistic and appealing, but every day from dawn to dusk when making a title artistic, at one point artisticity can be made and the title becomes misleading. The headline reads a different story. Not if there are journalists who are very conscientious and honest in this regard. 5) Journalism has a global trend called 'hurried literature'. Journalists and media are always in competition with each other. There is a debate about who gets to publish what news first. With the advent of online journalism, this competition has become even worse. Slowly publishing news is more likely to produce false news. Although there is a mandatory belief that cross-checking should be done many times to make sure the news is true or not, it is often missed due to unhealthy competition. 6) In capitalist society, news is also an object. After the item has been sold, the direct / indirect value of the item is increased and the selling material is more produced. News is a commodity of different quality, and news is of very good quality. Most are of poor quality. A journalist who can bring powerful news is worth more / less than others. After the news has to compete in the market, there has to be no quality and no quality. Some of the news in the competition is quality only, most are just the opposite. 7) In the class society, media is also classified. In a capitalist society, journalism is a service, not a business. It is also harassed by a disease called profit. Media runs in advertising. Advertising is with the capitalist category. There is no way you can advertise with a shoemaker on the way. Thus, what appears on the surface, in the end, in the class society, media belongs to the capitalist class. Many times, there are practices that make the news of the mess made by the companies not advertised by the big companies and then the harassment they receive after receiving the advertisement. 8) Just as wrong and wrong people are found in society, most of the media find themselves in a position to protect their own interests and sometimes to cover each other's weaknesses. There are also instances of one media pointing out the errors of another media, but most of the time the media is silent on each other's weaknesses. It also helps to spread negativity. 9) People who do not read journalism, do not understand the essence of journalism, even though they are journalists, they come together with the request of the news and their prejudice. It spreads a little more negativity. Journalists also have the right to hide sources in defense of sources that provide confidential information, but there are plenty of instances where journalists, who do not understand its importance and concept, publish false news, citing confidential sources. 10) Many media are sponsored and whose work is based on a mission. The general public may not know this. The purpose of such media is to produce negative news and to discredit the opposition. The content of such media is often negative and these media are affecting the media doing well. It is very important for readers to identify such media. 11) Trying to make the news positive is not possible. Environment and society also need to be positive. In the physical environment, it is not possible to have crime, corruption and wrongdoing and people will be positive. Journalists are human beings too. For peace, peace is not a matter of forcibly making positive events that are not reporters. Marxism is simple. A person cannot be positive unless the physical environment is negative. It is more religion of journalism to bring the bad and good things happening in the society to the public.. Government vs Media. Journalism student journalism book Nepali. Class notes. Project work. Nepali
Why do the media give more negative news?
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