How to Apply for a National identity card? (राष्ट्रिय परिचयपत्र)
In order to understand the national identity card, it is first necessary to know about the identity cards issued by the state to its citizens. There are two main types of identity cards issued by the government to its citizens. These are Foundation ID and Functional ID.
On the other hand, the functional ID is given only for a special purpose. For example, a driving license, PAN card, voter ID card are examples of this type of ID card.

Citizenship has been introduced in Nepal since 2009 as a national id card. For its accuracy, we have been facing the challenge of verification from the very beginning. Suppose you and I submit our citizenship to a body, there is no reliable mechanism to certify it.
In fact, it is very difficult to identify a person on the basis of citizenship nowadays. The national identity card is being introduced to meet such challenges and to provide public service facilities to the citizens easily and quickly.
The upcoming national identity card will be based on information technology. In addition to the demographic details of the person in citizenship, face (photo), ten fingerprints, two eye iris and other biological details of the person as well as e-signature in the form of electronic signature will be kept.
On the basis of this type of national identity card, anybody can verify the identity of the person both online and offline the basis of the identity card. The government plans to include some details including fingerprints in the card.
Subash Dhakal, director of the National Identity Card and Registration Department, says that special technology will be used to prevent the details of one person from colliding with another person. This type of system is not possible in today’s paper system.
How to Apply National ID card of Nepal?
The Foundation ID, which establishes the identity of the person, is recognized for a number of services, facilities and purposes within the state. We can take citizenship as the kind of identity card that is still in existence.
The government is collecting details of citizens in different districts for national identity cards. So far, the statistics of 4.122 million citizens have been listed in the national identity card system, according to the National Identity Card and Registration Department.
Meanwhile, the national identity card number has been made mandatory to get the e-passport issued by the government. At the same time, the pressure of service recipients to submit applications for national identity cards is also increasing.
Read: Government of Nepal Issue e-Passport
Especially the service recipients who have come to Kathmandu to get e-passport are now reaching the district administration office to submit the details of their Rashtriya Parichaya Patra.
Due to the implementation of a daily quota system in online applications for the National ID Card, the service recipients are compelled to reach the office physically.
However, due to overcrowding and lack of time, it has been found that some service recipients have taken the national ID card number without submitting the correct details.
Click Here to Apply for Rastriya Parichaya Patra.
One of the service recipients of Rolpa who came to Kathmandu to get an e-passport did not submit the correct details for the Rashtriya Parichaya Patra number. Although he was married, he did not bring the original documents, so he submitted the form of a national ID card as ‘unmarried’.
He was writing down the details of being unmarried even though he was away due to a lack of time to get the original documents.
For a National ID card, if you have immigrated with original citizenship, the relevant documents are required.
There is also a provision for married persons to submit a marriage registration certificate without the name of the spouse in the citizenship.
However, some of the service recipients are taking national identity card numbers as they are unmarried and they do not have complete details.
Subash Dhakal, director of the National Identity Card and Registration Department, says that even if the way is opened for immediate issuance of e-passport, the service recipients will face legal trouble in the future.
“The service recipients are also the ones who have to suffer embarrassment and torment while correcting the wrong information later,” said Dhakal.
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On the other hand, he says that there may be accusations of hiding the relationship in relation to marriage.
The process of including every person’s details in the national identity card is underway. In the future, citizens will get various services on the basis of this identity card and number.
However, Dhakal said that such citizens may be deprived of the benefits of national identity cards by submitting false details. He said that other information would be disputed if the biological details included in the identity card were different.
“For now, the card is provided on the basis of the documents provided by the citizen, so the information is considered official. If the citizen hides the information or takes the help of lies, the service recipient should be bothered, ‘he said.
Meanwhile, the department is preparing to distribute national identity cards within a few months. For this, the French company Idemia is printing cards.
The department is preparing to receive the card by the end of this month and complete the sample test of the card by February.
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