Unsolved Mysteries of the Ancient World: There are so many mysterious events that it has not been possible to find out how. Today we live in a world where countless security cameras are watching. Where such cameras are monitoring us somewhere. But there are also some Unsolved Mysteries of the Ancient World events. Which even such sophisticated security devices have not been able to detect.

Malaysian plane MH370
When the Malaysian plane MH370 took off on March 8, 2014, it suddenly disappeared. The plane is still missing. After all, what happened to this plane is still unknown. This incident has become a mysterious event of the century. There were 227 passengers on board the plane from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The plane took off at 12:40 pm and flew to Beijing. After flying for around 40 min, the plane left Malaysia’s air traffic control and lost. To date, nothing has been found anything of this plane. This is the first time in history that any plane in the world has gone missing and not found. This is one of the Unsolved Mysteries of the Ancient World.
Train Missing
On July 14, 1911, Janetti, a railway company, unveiled a new train from an Italian city. To the delight of the public, the first passenger on the train was provided free travel. During the test trip, the company had to find out problems of its. Everyone was travelling happily on the new train. The train also provided food to the passenger. The train had to pass through a tunnel. The tunnel on Lombardy Mountain was the longest tunnel at the time. This is also an Unsolved Mysteries of the Ancient World.
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The train enters the 1 km long tunnel and disappears. The search begins when the train is reported missing. The tunnel, which was straight as a railway, could not be entered from any other place except the place of entry and exit. In this way, the train that entered from one place had to leave from another place. People nearby saw the train enter the tunnel but did not see it exit.
The two passengers on the train jumped out of the train before it enters the tunnel. According to the two passengers, when they entered the tunnel, they saw smoke with some strange sound. When the passengers jumped, they were injured and fainted. No one has been able to trace the missing train so far. The tunnel was later destroyed by a bomb during World War II.
Route No. 375 Bus
A bus that left the Chinese capital, Beijing, on November 14, 1995, was to reach its next station, Shangdong. When the bus left Route 375 bus, it was freezing cold in the middle of the night and there were very few passengers and the road was deserted.
The bus was empty as passengers were getting off at various places. Meanwhile, only one driver and one female conductor were left in the empty bus on the way. At the front station, four passengers, including an old woman, an adult male and a young couple. There were 6 people on the bus now. A little further on, two other passengers board the bus. When two passengers board the bus, there are three instead of two.
The bus driver and passengers are amazed. But the driver was operating the bus uninterruptedly till that time. The clothes of the three passengers also looked not normal. The clothes worn by these three people were such that they would be surprised to see them. On top of that, they even covered their faces.
After reaching the front station, the young women get off. Now the bus had a driver, conductor, women, adult men and the three mysterious passengers. Just a little further on, the old woman started shouting loudly. She alleged that she had lost her purse and that the adult had stolen it. The old woman was repeatedly abusing the adult boy.
Here the boy kept saying that he did not steal the purse. After repeatedly shouting that she had been robbed, the bus driver dropped the two or more women and the adult man off at the front station. After getting off both the passengers, the driver pushes the bus ahead.
After getting off the bus, the boy gets angry and asks why did you falsely accuse me when I did not commit any theft. After hearing the man’s reply, the old woman said that he did not steal anything but to save the boy and her life. According to the old woman, she did it to save the boy’s life who was possessed by ghosts and not the three people travelling on the bus.
The old woman told the man that the lower limbs of the passengers were not visible when the wind blew on the bus. She also saw some mysterious behaviour and dress of the three passengers. Although they did not believe in this, due to the stubbornness of the woman, they went to the nearest police station and informed about it.
The police listened to them and thought they joked and sent them away. The next day, the bus did not reach Sangsang station. The station manager informs the nearest police station that the bus should not arrive at night. After that, the police circulated the missing bus.
The circular was also found out by the police who had jokingly sent women and adult men to the incident the night before. The police called the old woman and the boy while searching for the bus Takes information. Even though the incident is a matter of concern everywhere, nothing is known about it.
Two days after the incident, the bus was found submerged in water about 100 kilometres away from the city. When the bus was pulled over, there were five bodies including the bus driver, conductor and three others.
Only the driver and conductor’s body was in good condition and the other body was severely decomposed. The condition of the body appeared to be three months old. The incident became even more mysterious as the body same bus accident was also found to be different.
According to the station in charge, the bus had not more enough fuel to reach the station. How did it reach 100 km? This was deepening the mystery. When I opened the fuel tank of the bus, I saw blood in it instead of diesel.
As the incident became more and more mysterious, the police did not see the bus on any of the city’s cameras while watching the bus on CCTV. Everything else was seen but route number 375 bus was not seen. Thus, due to the lack of evidence, the mysterious incident closed the case.
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